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What's Making Life Feel Beautiful?

Posted by Shannon Chappelle on

What is making life feel beautiful right now? Where are we investing our time? How are we restoring our energy? Is our  “to do list” making life feel rich?


If we take a moment to get quiet and really ask ourselves what makes our life feel beautiful, what are your answers?


Or are we so hooked on fast and autopilot that we are not feeling anything at all? And have we forgotten all the things we love.. Do you sometimes find yourself saying…” When I get this done I will do this for myself.” Only to find the end of the day is here and you got bumped off your list again.


I get caught into the same trap but only if I allow it. I’m incredibly grateful for this life, it’s filled with a beautiful family and a career I love. However, I miss the beauty of it all if I let the day run me instead of the other way around.


There are days my feet hit the ground running, it’s far from zen! The most perfect day though, is an early rise. When the house is still and silent. Lemon water, yoga, meditation and intentions set. When I invest this 1 hour for me it sets the tone for my entire day. The day is in rhythm and flow…..ahhh. It feels good. I'm reminded that slow always feels better than fast.


I want to invite you to take a moment today to remember the things you love, make a list of those things… what brings you joy? What makes your heart sing? Fill your days with that. 


Invest in you. You are worthy of a rich life that feels beautiful.



 Shannon Chappelle

Founder and CEO 


We are now offering Make Your Life Beautiful Retreats at Ocean Stone Seaside Resort. If you would a Make Your Life Beautiful Retreat held in your area and to find our more, please sign up for our Make Your Life Beautiful Newsletter here. 


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