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The Life Changing Benefits of Ayurveda – Now available at Spa Chappelle

Posted by Shannon Chappelle on

Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayu = Life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realizing their full human potential.
Deepak Chopra

Dreams do come true…they might take twenty years but they do happen. I have been studying the teachings of Ayurveda during my entire career. I was first introduced to this practice twenty-one years ago in Aesthetic School. I was hooked.. and fascinated with the fact that what is medicine for me may be poison for you. So not one diet is good for everyone. Ayurveda has also taught me that my needs change based on environment and I should listen to those needs. Cold raw food is not my best choice in the dead of winter and warm foods with spices are just as nourishing. And this ancient practice has shown me a million things more about being my own best doctor toward ultimate self care.

Over the years I’ve dreamt and did my best to scheme a trip to the Chopra Institute to experience a full-on Detoxifying Ayurvedic Panchakarma. When done correctly, cleansing can be a powerful tool for transformation.  I knew this and longed for the treatments and teachings. To recently have had this experience at my own spa has been a dream realized.

Detoxing unveils us. The greatest feeling in the world is feeling your true self. My true self is light, joyous, happy and wholehearted. I LOVE those feelings. I cherish them.  But sometimes we can let life get in the way. These feelings and our own unique gems are often buried under the rubble of stress, busyness and what sometimes feels like a heaviness in life.

The dream: that one day I would own a spa that was committed to helping women and men feel and experience their greatest potentials through the ultimate self-care and self-loving practices. Ayurveda being one of them.

I am over the moon to share these teachings with you. Spa Chappelle will officially have Ankita Singh, an Ayurvedic Physician, on staff with us as of February 12th. We will be offering Ayurvedic consultations and therapies that include Shirodhara(Instant Calm+Rejuvenation),  Udvaratana(Herbal Paste Massage), Abhyanga (Indian Oil Massage), Netra Tarpana(Eye Nourishment) and three,  five, and ten Day Panchakarma.

My Panchakarma experience this month:

Ankita has just recently finished guiding me through a ten day Panchakarma, an Ayurvedic detox, which included a specific diet (just for me) and whole foods herbal supplements for my elemental nature. In my Ayurvedic Consultation, she determined my individual imbalances through pulse diagnosis. Out of the three elemements: Air- Vata, Fire – Pitta, Water- Kapha, my water element was high. It’s February in Nova Scotia and I had been drinking way too many cold smoothies for breakfast and salads at lunch and dinner. I was feeling cold a lot of the time and was experiencing a bit of chronic congestion daily. My body was damp. Ankita prescribed a  a warm nourishing breakfast of stewed fruit and quinoa with warming spices like cinnamon, cardamon and cloves. I had warm lentil soups and indian dahl’s for lunch and dinner for the first three days. I was then given a recipe for a Kitchari, a detoxifying dish with a blend of herbs and spices. The last ten days have brought me more balance and energy that I’d imagined. It was the doctor’s orders to have an Ayurvedic nourishing massage and sauna daily as well. On some of those days we also did a detoxifying full body exfoliation with Ayurvedic herbs that revved up metabolism. I’m FEELING FINE….not only did I feel lighter physically, the heaviness was gone and my heart felt open. I felt my sense of true joy again.

I would highly recommend spending time with Ankita. Her knowledge is astounding. You will learn so much about your own unique needs.

The wisdom of Ayurveda is a true blessing. It teaches us to listen to our needs which are forever changing. I sit with so much gratitude that we are now able to offer these ancient rituals to you!



Everyone has something that makes them feel fulfilled and energized. As the owner of Spa Chappelle, I get to live my passion every day. I love inspiring people to enrich their lives by exploring their passions and tackling their goals, and the spa has given me the perfect opportunity to do that.

My role as a skincare consultant lets me nurture my guests, leaving them feeling confident and relaxed. As a wellness coach, I support them as they learn to nourish their minds and spirits by embracing a mindful, inspired lifestyle.

My desire to help people become their best selves pushes me beyond helping my guests. I also enjoy mentoring and supporting my staff members by giving them the flexibility and encouragement to pursue their own dreams.

After all, when people are doing something they love, they glow with a natural energy and beauty that can't be bought.

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